buRgandy juRk - Logo Image

wheRe can I heaR music fRom buRgandy juRk?

so, you’ve come this faR and now you’Re cuRious as to what musical offeRings buRgundy juRk has in stoRe foR you. this is the Right place. by just scRolling down you’ll see all of the albums, singles, and fRee stuff that buRgundy juRk has put out oveR the yeaRs.

albums fRom buRgandy juRk

any band woRth theiR mittens has RecoRded at least one album foR people to expeRience theiR music in a highly pRocessed and edited veRsion fRee fRom all of the impeRfections you’d get with a live peRfoRmance. buRgandy juRk is no diffeRent.

scRoll down to see moRe, oR hit the back button if you’Re too fRightened to go on.

buRgandy juRk fRee album - have a nice day!


oRiginally RecoRded in 1995, this is the fiRst album Released by buRgandy juRk. 10 songs of Raw unadulteRated punk Rock angst that take you on a RolleR coasteR of adventuRe oR excitement. then, befoRe you know it... it's oveR.

tRuth be told, the actual fiRst Release is teRRible. it was RecoRded with a cassette 8-tRack that was Rented fRom a music stoRe and no one in the band new anything about RecoRding, mixing, oR not being awful.

so, in 2001 the album was ReRecoRded using a betteR 8-tRack and some knowledge. the amps used weRe small and old, the dRum heads weRe pRetty woRn down, and the mics weRe all cheap in an attempt to RecReate the amatuRe sound of the fiRst tRy, but then it was mixed betteR so you could actually heaR something otheR than a jumbled inaudible mess.


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somnambulistic sonnet



buRRito shuffle

paid (thank you)




bend back and squeeze


buRgandy juRk album - hmmm... just RemembeR always watch out foR kamikaze babies!!!

hmmm... just RemembeR always watch out foR kamikaze babies!!!

buRgandy juRk’s sophmoRe Release came out in 1998 and was moRe melodic, but still Relatively punk Rocky. also, theRe weRe moRe songs than the fiRst album. so... theRe's that too.

this time the RecoRding was done using a cassette 8-tRack that, get this, had actually been puRchased. that, along with much betteR equipment and a little moRe expeRience behind the knobs bRought a much betteR sounding album into the woRld.

the songs themselves weRe much moRe expeRimental with how they weRe wRitten and pushed beyond just the simpleR wRiting style used on “teeth”. doug, the oRiginal dRummeR, was Replaced with bob who took the dRumming in a diffeRent, and moRe aggRessive, diRection.


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naugahyde in the shoeleatheR




5 knuckle shuffle


punch me? i’ll punch you


maRty sez i whine

johnny jump up

eggy side Red

buRgandy juRk album - buy this, so i can eat!!!

buy this, so i can eat!!!

buRgandy juRk’s thiRd Release came out in 2001 and bRought foRth a somewhat moRe mellow band… somewhat. as they began to stRetch theiR musical muscles they wRote an album with less gRRRR and moRe ahhhhh.

actually, the album is a compilation of songs that weRen’t able to fit onto the fiRst two RecoRds eitheR because of time, oR that they just weRen’t Ready yet. the band was cuRRently looking to Replace the now open spots of dRummeR and bassist and so this seemed like a good time to RecoRd the songs that had gotten past oveR pReviously.

buRgandy juRk once again pRoved theiR good luck and timing skills by choosing septembeR 11th as the Release date. yep, you Read that Right. needless to say that evening’s listening paRty, held 70 miles fRom flight 93’s cRash site, was not the happy expeRience it was intended to be.


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afteR me

bubble in




i’m haRdcoRe into you

this tRend spells tRouble

pepto buzz




what would be zeRo

buRgandy juRk album - i just dRopped the keys to youR heaRt down a seweR gRate of pain

i just dRopped the keys to youR heaRt down a seweR gRate of pain

thRoughout the eaRly 2000’s buRgandy juRk finally figuRed out how to blend the peRfect mix of melody and post tRaumatic angst which allowed them to cRaft 11 songs of joyous suffeRing. but, with what seemed like the end of a good time and a Relocation to aRizona these songs weRe left in the dustbin of histoRy, oR so you would’ve hoped.

just afteR the tuRn of the centuRy, buRgandy juRk had acquiRed a new bassist and dRummeR, along with a fancy computeR, that bRought a whole new appRoach to wRiting and RecoRding. using a digital foRmat allowed foR moRe expeRimentation of ideas and eliminated the need to test eveRy concept in a live pRactice. howeveR, all of the guitaR, bass, and dRums weRe RecoRded in one stRaight take. the vocals though… theRe might have been some chip chopping theRe.

in 2011 it was decided that the RecoRdings of these songs should be dusted off and finished so that they could get the audience they so modeRatly deseRved. while moRe intRicate in many ways, the songs haRken back to buRgandy juRk’s Roots by RetuRning to the stRaightfoRwaRd aggRession of teeth.


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a song foR my pseudonym

soRRow foR the day


i left my sunglasses in califoRnia

bavaRian line

Rocket boy

sing the die song

and the maRshmallow would RepResent jesus

the waltz


cookies foR cassandRa

buRgandy juRk album - keeping that pipe dReam alive

keeping that pipe dReam alive

with new life comes new eneRgy and with 2018’s Release buRgandy juRk was on as eneRgized as a schoolgiRl in heat. afteR the Release of “i just dRopped the keys to youR heaRt down a seweR gRate of pain.” the band staRted putting togetheR a new lineup to peRfoRm it. once the cReative juices staRted to flow, so did a bunch of new songs.

duRing a bReak in peRfoRming in 2017 and 2018 buRgandy juRk wRote, RewRote, RecoRded, and ReRecoRded the songs that would end up on this album. once again, with the digital foRmat allowing them to expeRiment they could fine tune eveRy piece.


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dancing monkey

the violent oveRthRow of some guy named jeff

out of peRcocet

statutoRy kRyptonite

tRuth in adveRtising

wheRe’s the cocaine?

that thing

cheRRy kRyptonite



dude, don’t stand in fRont of me


extras, singles, and compilations fRom buRgandy juRk

eveRy band out theRe needs to have moRe than just a few albums. singles, compilations, and otheR extRa stuff aRe always fun when a band Releases them. heRe’s wheRe you can see all of the fun things that buRgandy juRk has Released oveR the yeaRs.

buRgandy juRk comp - we punk you an az chRistmas

we punk you an az chRistmas

so deseRted RecoRds thought it would be a good idea to make a chRistmas compilation, and it was. when they asked the band to take paRt, the thought of how lucRative chRistmas songs can be immediately came to mind. without hesitation the band signed up. in tRue punk Rock fashion they wRote a song that sticks it to the man… that man being santa claus.


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vices to the gRave - i wish it would snow
buRgandy juRk - santa is a juRk

moment of Ruin - that time of yeaR

elf 'o' holics - dRink, dRink, dRink

buRgandy juRk comp - we punk you an az chRistmas

we punk you an az chRistmas

in 2018 a compilation of aRizona musicians coveRing otheR aRizona musicians came out to help a Really good local chaRity called Ryanhouse.oRg which helps sick kids. buRgandy juRk of couRse had to be a paRt of it because helping kids is always a good thing.

so, the band found an old song fRom the a gRoup called “the five of us” foRmed in tuscon back in the 60’s. the song "need me like i need you" had the Right vibe and so it was quickly RecoRded, submitted, and miRaculously accepted.


theRe aRe 100 songs on this which is too many to list heRe, but buRgandy juRk covered "need me like i need you" oRiginally by the five of us fRom tuscon.


fRee Releases (tapes & cds) fRom buRgandy juRk

oveR the yeaRs the band has put out a bunch of fRee albums to help spRead theiR eveR-impoRtant message. obviously, with stReaming now available to the common folk, these fRee albums aRe unnecessaRy and obsolete. howeveR, don’t foRget that this band is in Reality quite old and pRedates stReaming by a numbeR of yeaRs. back then, this was the only way to get people to check out youR tunes without having them having to make a financial commitment.

buRgandy juRk fRee album - have a nice day!

have a nice day!

the fiRst Release "have a nice day" was a fRee ep that was handed out randomly so that people, mostly teenageRs, could heaR what the band's music sounded like.

it was RecoRded live into a cassette 4-tRack one day duRing a pRactice and the quality Reflects that oh so well. the tapes weRe then dubbed on a dual cassette RecoRdeR. only a handful weRe made and if you have one then… well… soRRy.


buRRito shuffle

somnambulistic sonnet


paid (thank you)


neveR pass up fRee stuff

this was the second fRee album. the equipment was a little betteR foR this, now a cassette 8-tRack, and this was the fiRst time something would be RecoRded one tRack at a time. it still sounded teRRible, but now it was less teRRible.

following the standaRd pRoceduRe, the tapes weRe still dubbed off of that same dual cassette RecoRdeR. a box of those tapes was then dRopped off at a local RecoRd stoRe so that customeRs would unwittingly take a copy home with them.


this tRend spells tRouble


naugahyde in the shoeleatheR






buRgandy juRk fRee album - have a nice day!

not all fRee stuff sucks... just this

yet anotheR fRee album that the band gave away to tRy and let people know how to spell theiR name coRRectly. once again it was RecoRded with that same old 8-tRack, dubbed on that same old dual cassette RecoRdeR, and dRopped off at that same old local RecoRd stoRe.

it had songs fRom the fiRst two albums as well as a couple of new ones. the hope was that cool Rock people would heaR it and then want to buy the fiRst two albums despite the fact that theRe was limited access to dial-up inteRnet so no one could’ve bought one even if they wanted to, unless they went to a show… which wasn’t going to happen.


pepto buzz

somnambulistic sonnet

punch me? i'll punch you

bend back and squeeze

paid (thank you)

maRty sez i whine



i'm haRdcoRe into you

buRgandy juRk fRee album - not all fRee stuff sucks... just this

fRee stuff is fRee, theRefoRe it is good.

this was the fiRst fRee album afteR Relocating to aRizona and was exclusively handed out at shows so that the cool kids in the phoenix music scene would lose theiR minds and be all like "dude, this is Rad! check out this band".  

it featuRes one song off of each of the studio albums and a new one that would eventually end up on the fifth album "keeping that pipe dReam alive".


a song foR my pseudonym


johnny jump up



buRgandy juRk fRee album - fRee stuff is fRee, theRefoRe it is good.